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Almost all individuals born in Canada are automatically Canadian citizens at birth. Foreign nationals may naturalize after living in Canada for at least three years while holding permanent residence and showing proficiency in the English or French language.
Children born overseas are Canadian citizens by descent if either parent is a citizen by birth or naturalization in Canada. Citizenship by descent is limited to only one generation born outside of the country, other than children or grandchildren of members of the Canadian Armed Forces. Adopted children are treated as if they were naturally born to the adopting parents and are subject to the same regulations regarding birthplace and descent.

Rights and privileges

Canadian citizens have the unrestricted right to enter and remain in the country. They are eligible to apply for Canadian passports, required to serve in a jury when summoned, and may enlist in the Canadian Armed Forces. Citizens are also eligible to vote in elections.
Canadians may enter 183 countries and territories without a visa, as of 2020.
Canadian citizens are not considered foreigners when residing in the United Kingdom and are entitled to certain rights as Commonwealth citizens.

The royal family

The sovereign is the physical embodiment of the Canadian state, even if the Canadian head of state (King/Queen) primarily resides in the United Kingdom they considered Canadian.

Proof of citizenship

• Canadian birth certificate issued by a provincial or territorial government.
• Citizenship certificates
• Citizenship cards
• Naturalization certificates

Citizenship certificates

A citizenship certificate is an 8½ x 11-inch paper document that proves your Canadian citizenship. It contains:
• The certificate number
• Your family name and given name(s)
• Your date of birth
• Your gender (male, female, or another gender)
• The effective date of citizenship

Changes to citizenship rules and requirements

The Citizenship Act defines:
• Who is Canadian?
• What you need to become a Canadian

Changes been made to the Citizenship Act are listed here .

Steps to become a Canadian citizen

• Apply for citizenship
• Pass a citizenship test
• Appear for the interview
• Oath of citizenship and ceremony

Our content is intended to summarize the Proof of Citizenship on IRCC and Canadian Citizenship on IRCC and Wikipedia for information and education purposes only.